External Schema

You can use references to external schema objects through the $ref keyword. You pass external schemas in the options.schemas object:

var external = { type: 'string' },
    schema = { $ref: '#external' },
    validate = jsen(schema, {
        schemas: {
            external: external

validate('abc');    // true
validate(123);      // false

If you expect to have $refs pointing to missing schemas, you can tell JSEN to ignore invalid schema references with the options.missing$Ref flag.

var schema = { $ref: '#missing' },

validate = jsen(schema);    // Error: jsen: invalid schema reference #missing

validate = jsen(schema, {   // OK, will ignore missing references
    missing$Ref: true

Remote Schemas

Although JSEN does not automatically fetch remote schemas by making HTTP requests, you can fetch and provide them through the schemas option by giving their URIs as object keys.

var schema = { $ref: 'http://localhost:1234/integer.json' },
    externalSchema = { type: 'integer' }, // Downloaded from http://localhost:1234/integer.json
    validate = jsen(schema, {
        schemas: {
            'http://localhost:1234/integer.json': externalSchema