Get Started

Install through NPM in node.

$ npm install jsen --save
var jsen = require('jsen');
var validate = jsen({ type: 'string' });
var valid = validate('some value');             // true

Install through Bower in your HTML page.

$ bower install jsen
<script src="bower_components/jsen/dist/jsen.min.js"></script>
    var validate = jsen({ type: 'string' });    // under window.jsen
    var valid = validate('some value');         // true

Validation works by passing a JSON schema to build a validator function that can be used to validate a JSON object.

The validator builder function (jsen) throws an error if the first parameter is not a schema object:

try {
    // cannot use this string as a schema
    jsen('not a valid schema');
catch (e) {

jsen will not throw an error if the provided schema is not compatible with the JSON-schema version 4 spec. In this case, as per the spec, validation will always succeed for every schema keyword that is incorrectly defined.

// this will not throw, but validation will be incorrect
var validate = jsen({ type: 'object', properties: ['string', 'number'] });

// validation erroneously passes, because keyword `properties` is ignored
var valid = validate({});   // true

If you need to validate your schema object, you can use a reference to the JSON meta schema. Internally, jsen will recognize and validate against the metaschema.

var validateSchema = jsen({"$ref": ""});
var isSchemaValid = validateSchema({ type: 'object' }); // true

isSchemaValid = validateSchema({
    type: 'object',
    properties: ['string', 'number']
// false, because properties is not in correct format

In-Browser Usage

Browser-compatible builds of jsen (with the help of browserify) can be found in the dist folder. These are built with the standalone option of browserify, meaning they will work in node, the browser with globals, and AMD loader environments. In the browser, the window.jsen global object will refer to the validator builder function.

Load from CDN, courtesy of rawgit:

